Mistletoe for users

This section is still very in-flux, mainly because the tool itself is very in-flux. The following may be subject to abrupt change, but we'll keep this book in sync of any changes.

As of now, there are really just two useful commands, inspect and generate:

> mistctl --help
Polyglot Kubernetes package manager

Usage: mistctl [COMMAND]

  generate  Generate output YAML from a package
  inspect   Inspects the info exported by a package
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


inspect calls the info function from the Mistletoe package and then exits:

> mistctl inspect --help
Inspects the info exported by a package

Usage: mistctl inspect [package]

  [package]  the package to inspect

  -h, --help  Print help

For now, it currently surfaces the raw YAML MistPackage value:

> mistctl inspect mistletoe/examples/namespace-example:0.1.2
apiVersion: mistletoe.dev/v1alpha1
kind: MistPackage
  name: namespace-example
    mistletoe.dev/group: mistletoe-examples


This function actually calls the package and generates the output YAML -- note that this does not install it on your cluster.

> mistctl generate --help
Generate output YAML from a package

Usage: mistctl generate [OPTIONS] --package <PACKAGE> <name>

  <name>  the name of the installation

  -p, --package <PACKAGE>  package to call
  -f, --inputfile <FILE>   input file containing values to pass to the package
  -s, --set <VALUES>       set values to pass to the package
  -o, --output <TYPE>      output type, can be 'yaml', 'raw', or 'dir=<dirpath>'
  -h, --help               Print hel

The only required parameters are the name and --package. For instance, this is all our "namespace-example" package needs:

> mistctl generate my-namespace -p mistletoe/examples/namespace-example:0.1.2
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: my-namespace

Additional input can be passed in with --inputfile and --set. inputfile is just a path to a YAML file of inputs you wish to pass into the package:

> cat inputs.yaml
namespace: my-namespace
// ...

> mistctl generate my-nginx -p mistletoe/fake-nginx-example -f inputs.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-nginx
  namespace: my-namespace
// ...

You can also control the output format with --output. This can be either raw, yaml, or dir=<output_dir>, with yaml being the default.

raw outputs the raw response from the package:

> mistctl generate my-namespace -p mistletoe/examples/namespace-example:0.1.2 --output raw
apiVersion: mistletoe.dev/v1alpha1
kind: MistResult
  result: Ok
    namespace.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: my-namespace

yaml outputs the processed contents of the files:

> mistctl generate my-namespace -p mistletoe/examples/namespace-example:0.1.2 --output yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: my-namespace

And dir outputs the contents of the file into the filetree as specified by the package:

> mistctl generate my-namespace -p mistletoe/examples/namespace-example:0.1.2 --output dir=out
> find ./out